Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are playing cards, used throughout much of Europe to play conventional card games and have been since the mid-15th century without any occult associations at all.

Historically speaking, it wasn’t until the late 18th century, that tarot decks began to be used for spiritual purposes. This is thought to be the inspiration for the wide spread variations of custom decks being developed over time.

Many of those who use tarot cards for spiritual purposes claim to believe that the cards have links to ancient cultures and beliefs, though researchers suggest that the playing card versions weren’t even invented until the 15th century, and that there is no historical evidence to support the usage of tarot for divination before the late 18th century.

Sales statistics reported by the Washington Post suggest that the demand for tarot decks has doubled in the past five years and possibly even tripled just during the pandemic alone.

Are we beginning to see a change in the way our world views these types of practices, or was everyone just super bored?

What are your thoughts?

Do you use tarot cards?

Have you ever had a Tarot Reading?

How was your experience?

Feel free to share any knowledge you have on the topic, in the comments below.